Thursday, May 8, 2008


Well I guess the new blog begins today. Seeing I'm currently writing it. Ahhh... where to begin? I guess I'll start with the title, that long word starting with 'V': Verisimilitude
How many 'I's are in that?
Is it edible?
Anyone have a dictionary?
I'm sure all these questions are running through your mind right now, which is good, if I didn't want to make you think I wouldn't be writing a blog. So, here's your answer:

Verisimilitude: something, as an assertion, having merely the appearance of truth.

This in no way means I'm going to be posting lies, but merely that in many of the more private issues I post you may not get the entire story, or possible psuedonym's for participants for their privacies sake. I prefer to use the word verisimilitude as my way of saying "as close to the truth as possible."

Today is a Thursday. Woke up rather early today... 7:55. A quick shower and a new land speed records landed me in Drafting at about 8:05. My house won't fit on the damn sheet of paper so I'm using two "D" size papers for it. Yes, I have a house with double D's. Drafting is one of those classes where you only accomplish anything when everyone runs out of sex jokes, which never happens. At long last the torture that is the first class of my day ended at 9:15 and I left for the college... and I thought highschool students were immature. US History III. This class is quite possible the best and worst I have ever taken, depending on the day. Mrs Thur is the epitomy of the term 'mood swings'. Some days I can't help but piss my pants laughing at her humor, other days I piss my pants cowering in fear; I piss my pants frequently in this class. I sit in the back row to avoid flying objects such as shoes, books, students, etc...

Now to the fun part of the day: work.
I'm not being sarcastic either. I'm a phone tech for LocalTel Communications. Best job... EVER. All sorts of 'interesting' people call in with all sorts of 'interesting questions', if by "interesting" I meant stupid. I sit in a basement for a couple hours taking phone calls with some of the brightest computer minds in Wenatchee. Yet at the same time all of these "NOC Nerds", as we've come to be called, manage to be rather cool.

After work is tennis, the highlight of my life. I breathe, live and love tennis. Playing for Wenatchee High School at the current time. Got the district tournament coming up this weekend. God I'm nervous. But my draw looks good and I do have a shot at going to regionals this year for singles. Which is a lot better then last year.

I hope tomorrow to have less of the daily monogamy and more of the random events that seem to occur much to frequently in my life. I guess I'll leave you with this:

"Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances."
-Thomas Jefferson


1 comment:

Kali said...

I found this to be fascinating. I love love love things that make me think.