Sunday, June 1, 2008


Spent most of yesterday evening cleaning out the car and getting prepped for Prom. Somewhere around 7:15 I left for Rachel's house where we all met for pictures and such before dinner, which was at Applewood Grill by the Convention Center.

8:15: Arrive at the Applewood Grill and we are seated rather quickly.

8:30: Shoot a rubber band at the waiter just because it was there.

8:45: Finish eating my salad... with my fingers because they didn't give us any forks. This guy isn't getting a tip.

8:50: Josh is feeling sick, cramps and possibly a fever because he's feeling cold so he heads outside for a bit.

9:30: Food arrives, along with forks this time. I may tip the waiter after all.

9:45: After much running and holding up of dresses we arrive at Prom and enter, I shake somewhere in the realm of a billion hands, and I got a hug from Claire. I take off my jacket and leave it on a chair, unbuttoning my shirt a bit and loosening the sleeves and loosen my tie before I head out.

9:45: The dance floor is literally packed with people, I force my way into the heap, shaking hand after hand as I go until Tamarra and I are somewhere in the middle.

*Commence Dirty Dancing*

9:45: Dancing with Tamarra
9:48: Dancing with guy from History Class
9:52: Dancing with Blonde Girl (1)
9:55: Dancing with Mitch (Yup)
9:58: Dancing with guy from History Class again
10:02: Dancing with Brunette Girl (1)
10:06: Dancing with Karen
10:08: Got water
10:12: Dancing with Blonde Girl (2)
10:15: Dancing with Rachel
10:18: Dancing with Jasmine
12:00: Dance ends, we head out to Rachel's and lay around. Debate watching a movie and decide it would be more fun to sit on Rachel's bed and talk, which it was.

1:20: Josh heads home and we head to Wallgreen's to get food for Jasmine.

1:25: We leave Wallgreens, everyone has bought food, except Jasmine.

1:35: We arrive at Washington Park where we swing on the swings for a while and talk some more before some cop arrives and asks our ages and such and informs us the park closes at ten, we act surprised a Rachel's somewhere around 2:10.

2:15: We arrive at Rachel's and I drop everyone off before heading home and passing out.

11:30: I wake up to 11 text messages in my inbox...

I don't even know what to say about last night, I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it, my friends are awesome and so was Prom. A night I won't forget.

“Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! All of those texts were from me! You know you loved them...

(The code thinger I had to enter to post this was ygopac!)