Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Familiar Buzz

Tonight is Prom. Fun right?
We have no plan, we have no goals, it's just one night of shear spontaneity and spur of the moment urges. I've got a nice car with which to pick everyone up, a suit, a tie and plenty of time to take it all off. I guess I have done it again, played the "innocent Jon" role.

It's weird to think that at some subliminal level I do alter my personality to my environment. Running start kind of gave me a fresh start with a new group of friends, none of them know anything about me, I control their opinions of me to the exact details. Someone nick-named me "Virgin Jon" last week... I laughed rather hard... inside. I've played the "innocent Jon" role and it's actually leading to some conflicts as people find that some of their friends outside of the circle I have created know me, and about me, or at least have heard rumor's. I've been opening up to pretty much everyone who asks from there now. Yet I still withhold the things that would damn me in their eyes. Of course there are those of you who would say my friends should love me for who I am. But am I really that? Am I? I've shed my past personality as a snake sheds its skin, leaving behind the old shell of a man that was me to find the softer inner-core of my potential being. There is still work to be done, refining of the soul, before I will be all that I can. Though I doubt there is a limit to the potential greatness of any man.

I've recently begun to like girl. She's not much different from most girls, though she aims to be. It's an honorable idea to try to break the bonds of conformity, it's another thing entirely to find the strength and insight within yourself to do it. You can't just be different or act different, you must think different. You have to look at the common features of the human personality and find its error's, it's tendencies, and then you must break them. The 'rules' were made to be broken.

She's fun, but I believe I make her nervous. She stares at her feet much of the time when she's around me, and talks little. She appears to lack the confidence that is my favorite of traits. We've kissed, but that's it. I'm getting rather attached to her and I don't understand why because she is rather... afraid of commitment. I find that I'm in a predicament for disaster and I know she's gonna break my heart, but I still stay in this position. All common sense is screaming at me "GET OUT", while I sit and say, "She's worth the risk." She said to trust her, and that she wouldn't hurt me, but she still does, and probably without conscious decision to either. I asked her last night if we were friends, and she said yes. She is amazing though, love spending time with her I just don't know if it's the best thing for me right now. But I will keep going with it, there's been no major problems and I am quite the patient person. It's amazing what liking someone specifically can do to a man's mind, and how much it can hurt.


Saturday, May 24, 2008

Been Awhile

Life has been...
I don't know how do describe it lately. Stressful is the only word that comes to mind.
Last Tuesday I didn't come home from the drive-in until somewhere around the region of two in the morning. Normally this kind of behavior would bring upon me a punishment in the vicinity of "we'll talk later". But in this case it was a school night, thus I do not have a car or computer or anything else fun for that matter.

On the plus side I delivered one of the best speech's of my life yesterday, Theodore Roosevelt's Post Presidential Life and Influence. I was dressed up and everything! And yes, this is in the class I mentioned earlier.

Work has been interesting. Finally taking a few calls on my own and such, it's not half as easy as it sounds, its weird. People call in with problems, all they know is "my Internet doesn't work" or "I can't get my email" and I have to take that one sentence that tells me next to nothing and find the source of the problem, which would be easy except for the fact I can see nothing of how they are set up. How do you fix a problem when you can't see it? You have to make the person needing help, help you solve it; a vicious circle of sorts. You have to fix the problem in your mind while they do all the work. It's hard to creatively think like that.

"Knowledge is a destination. Truth, the journey"


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Just Another Thursday

Today was just another Thursday.

I was out late on Tuesday. Really late, at least for a school night. It all started with another one of my trips to the drive-in. College students get in for 5 dollars tonight, got the normal crowd; Josh, Jasmine, Tamara, Cassi, Grant, Ryan, Matt, Nick, Ivana, Rachel, Seth and some others.

Cassi, Dana, Grant, Ivana, Jasmine, Josh, Matt, Nick, Rachel, Seth and Tamara for you OCD people.

At first we were just sitting around waiting for the movie to start, much later then normal due to dusk becoming later and later. I however was oblivious to this force of nature and had told my father I would be home by ten. Everyone piled into my car, Seth's car and Matt's truck as we go in. Once were in we sit around forever, literally forever, or maybe not but it was damn close.

8:35ish: Arrive and finish my one and only 2 liter of Fanta.

8:45: We manage to get 12 people into the back half of my Jeep, not quite a world record but getting there, were not quite midgets.

8:55: Attempt to out sprint Ryan, he barely wins, not bad for being stuffed full of orange drink.

9:00: Previews begin. Everyone crams into my car and try's to get some decent seating, there is not enough decent seating to be had.

9:10: I am crammed between Jasmine and Tamara, Josh is crammed against the side of the car while being half under Jasmine. Tamara is crammed against the wall to my right. Dana is barely sitting on the edge of the trunk, knees up, looking rather uncomfortable with Cassi mirroring her until she finally gives up and moves to the ground.

9:50: Dad calls and insists I come home.

10:00: Dad says I'm in trouble but I can stay and that I shouldn't put myself in such a position where people depend on me when I need to leave.

I don't know when the next movie started but practically everyone left when it began. I was still there and so was Tamara. Sat around watching movie with Ryan hopping in and out of the back of my car. Numerous sitings of a very drunk Matt and hist very drunk friend Davin. They all insist they are not drunk, which is quite easily the worst kind of drunk besides violent. I was a mix of both, thats why I no longer drink.

Bad drinking stories > Good drinking stories
You value your close relationships with friends and girlfriends.
Stop drinking.

It's rather simple math.

I got home around one from watching the second movie, way too late for a school day, thank God I have some friends that I can text at anytime of the day to talk about things. Some of you are amazing.

Alcohol is the cause of many of life's problems, yet many choose it as the solution.


Sunday, May 18, 2008


It all started on a Friday.
Woke up early and panicked as I frantically tried to pack my bags for the trip. I arrived at the school at 7:30, right on time, barely.

*Commence mass boredom*

I spent the morning riding in a cold suburban with two lethargic people, who normally aren't all that entertaining anyways. Its like alcohol and Vicodin, they work as multipliers. My best form of entertainment was flailing my arms wildly when passing semi's to see if I could get them to honk. Which didn't work once. I finally arrived at Spokane and started warming up for my first match.
No amount of warming up would have prepared me for this though.

Whitman Huff.
This kid is insane. Nearly a perfect match skillwise to Troy Zerowski. So as you could guess I got destroyed, but I expected to lose that one, so it wasn't too bad. Scores were 6-0 6-1, I was rather proud of myself for pulling off one service game in the second set.

Shitty Kid.
This kid was shitty. Nearly a perfect skill match to shit itself. So as you could guess... I played worse then shit. I don't know what happened here. This kid was one of the kids where on any given day (except this one apparently) I could have taken him 6-0 6-0, easily. The amount of effort it would have taken would be too small to measure. Today I just couldn't hit though; couldn't focus, couldn't think, couldn't win.

And thus I was out of the regional tournament.

Spent the evening searching for this restruant, Cyrus O'Leary's, quite the akward enviornment, so many random decorations, one of which I was completely absorbed in. It was stuffed human sort of thing, with really long arms and legs and a clown hat. It hung from a bar on the ceiling and as the bar rotated it would lift so it would hang above the bar and do a front flip over it; this was repeated for hours, but I was on enough painkillers that it was the most awesome thing ever.

After dinner we headed to laser tag, it is so akward trying to explain my use of "Thermie" as my code-name for the game, honestly how few of my friends don't know that? Yes, I'm that nerdy. The game commenced, rather dumb that the lasers dont have a range of more then 30 feet or so, I mean their lasers, why only 30 feet!? I got 13th out of 31 people, not bad for my first attempt ever, I'm rather confident that I could get first from here on out, just took some getting used to. You wouldn't believe the limitations of lasers. Got confronted by some bum afterwards, wanted money for gas to get to Colville, I really doubted it, let the coach handle it while I went back to the van.

Got back to the room and stayed up till 2:30AM in the girls room watching Robin Hood: Men in Tights and swapping personal stories. A day full of tennis and staying up late would not be the best combination, as I discovered the next morning. I woke up to the felling of two girls jumping onto me on my bed, both were decently hot, my first thoughts if summarized and organized would look something like this, in the same order:

"Fuck.... Who did I sleep with..."
"Shit... I have no clothes on... must hold blankets over body..."
"Wait... I know these girls... fuck Jon... you better not have slept with someone you know..."

Finally my mind cleared and I realized Clint was in the room with me so most likely nothing happened, memory of the night before flooded my mind somewhere around breakfast which I ate with Tats. (Pronounced 'Tots') We hung out at the hotel a bit and left to watch the girls finals matches. Not too fun to watch.

Girls tennis is innately boring to watch; it's slow, it's redundant, it's FULL of drama. It's more like a bad soap opera then a sport. Nicole finally finished and won regionals, so that left us with 3 girls and 1 guy going to State.

I rode home in the girls van sharing a Ipod with Tats and everyone bummed pillows and blankets off me. Got home at six-ish and went swimming at the park, minus the swimming part. Ran into Ryan and some other guy there, hung out briefly and went home and passed out. Literally passed out on my bed. Later I went to a movie with Tats and hung out a bit.

This weekend was amazing, yet horrible, this weekend was a contradiction, as much as I love to point out that those don't exist. I guess in reality they don't and can't, but metaphorically? Metaphorically they do.

"A contradiction cannot exist in reality. Not in part, nor in whole. Everyone knows this."


Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Got a phone call today. It was from Ron Zelinski. Apparently my first serve managed to do some serious damage to the retina in Abe's eye. He's out for at least a week so... I'm taking his spot regionals. Yes. I guess it kinda came in a circle sort of... I hit him in the eye, he beats me, but then gets beat by his eye, so I win?

I'm rather pooped. Bed time is soon I'm guessing.

“There must be a positive and negative in everything in the universe in order to complete a circuit or circle, without which there would be no activity, no motion”


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Districts (Part 2)

Went back to Yakima on Monday.
First Round: Some no-name from some random school, he sucked, but I managed to suck as well. Still beat him however. It's one of those things about tennis. It's a very competetive sport but you can't hit hard against people who don't hit hard back. It doesn't work.

Second Round: Abe Chang.
This asian is amazing at tennis.
And I almost beat him.
Lost the first set 6-3, not too close but we both hit hard and played well, very competetive. Somewhere around the third game of the match one of my 100+ mph first serves managed to make contact with his eye off his racket. Ouch. He was down for almost 5 minutes and had some issues with contacts. Second set went slow, managed to pull out a 6-4 victory and take it to a third set; at this point I was on top of my game, very much so. Third set was close and long... on-serve until 5-4 with me leading and I could not break him. He finally got his break bringing it to 5-5 and pulled out the last two games on me. This left me at fifth place for districts, alternate at regionals. Though today I did find out that his eye injury may actually be serious, I feel bad but at the same time this may be my one shot at regionals, so we'll see where it goes.

I'm tired, feeling rather jittery and on tonight, don't know what to do about it. But I need some rest before tomorrow, another big day in the life of Jonathan. I've been contemplating my lack of relationship tonight, it needs to end, but Josh helped point out to me today that I shouldn't try to force anything. I already knew this, but it helps to have my ever-loving mind refreshed occasionally. Love is a complicated yet simple thing, one of lifes few natural paradoxes; love is the only thing that can break the rule of contradictions. Which reminds me I need to post The Rules on the blog somewhere, I'll do that tomorrow. I guess Neil Gaiman summarizes love quite well. Night world.

“Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.” -Neil Gaiman


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

I got my mother's card at 7:30pm today.
I am king of procrastinators.
I devoted my the entirety of my day to doing whatever mom wanted; yard work, house work, laundry, massages, food preparation, all for her. But you know what? She really deserves it.

I heard on the radio yesterday that for the total hours of work done by mothers around the hosue each year the average income at minimum wage would be somewhere around $117,000 anually, not including bonuses. If this were true my mom would make millions. The amount of work she does to make our house as beautiful and clean as it is, is beyond measure. Plus as a kicker she did give birth to me, she always insists on rubbing that one in.

Watched The Notebook today. Great movie, kinda sad, kinda happy, lots of love. Getting ready for this planned 'chick flick' night, gonna get together with Grant, Ryan, Elise and who knows who else to watch some chick flicks. My excitement is only stifled by my nervousness about Districts tomorrow, I've got some tough matches of which I need to win the first to move on to Regionals.

“When you suffer an attack of nerves you're being attacked by the nervous system. What chance has a man got against a system?"


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Districts (Part 1)

Woke up on the bus this morning. I hate buses. Tennis started at nine at Kissel Park in Yakima. First match is some no-name guy from a team that I can't even remember now. Sad. He was followed by another poor soul from Pasco High School. Same cruel fate for this one as well.

Troy. Second place in State last year, as a freshman. Insane. I played him third round, quarter finals. One of the five best matches I've ever played in my entire life. I hit well, I hit hard, pushing four game points a set, of which I lost all but one. But since it was my third round match I'm returning on Monday to play more, semi-finals in consolation, if I win my first match I move on to regionals. At last.

I'm tired, very tired, and very depressed. But thats a different story entirely.
It's Tennis. I love it. Tennis begins with love.

"In tennis the addict moves about a hard rectangle and seeks to ambush a fuzzy ball with a modified snow-shoe." ~Elliot Chaze


Prelude to Districts

Team dinner last friday! 'Twas amazing. 20 Elite tennis players trying their hands at another game involving a net and a ball, and having the same success you would expect to see if you asked a squirrel to do a lunar landing. Evening started well... team dinner was great, no vegetarian food as normal. But on to the interesting stuff!

7:30: Left the team dinner heading home to clean out car and hit the drive-in.

8:05: Arrive at drive-in; que drinking mass amounts of Fanta, the orange kind.

8:10: Apparently I am a Jew.

8:15: Apparently Matt hates Jews.

8:30: Start watching drillbit taylor, not a bad movie, but kinda hard to hear cause my car battery died.

9:30ish: Finish my first two liter of Fanta, starting the second.

9:40: Head to bathroom to piss, and then return to movie and drink more Fanta

9:50: Head to bathroom to piss, and then return to movie and drink more Fanta

10:00: Head to bathroom to piss, and then return to movie and drink more Fanta

10:10: Head to bathroom to piss, and then return to movie and drink more Fanta

10:20: Left drive in because the movie was over, headed to some shell station to get chili dogs.

10:35: Shell station sucks ass, and theres some guy with gage's you could shoot hoops in is asking us what our drug of choice is... we respond with "pussy". Apparently he doesn't have any natural stuff on him. I piss again.

10:40: Walla Walla point park. Playing 'lava monster', some dumb game that Rachel apparently played when she was younger. It sucks now that were tall though. Finish second two liter of Fanta. I'm hammered, yet I have yet to consume alcohol.

11:15: I'm standing butt naked five feet deep in the Columbia, no idea how I got there; Josh and Matt are naked with me. I blame the Fanta.

11:18: Return to land to find our clothes have been stolen and taken somewhere in the park.

11:25: Wandering around the park with the one sock they left me on my dick, rather akward, but necessary.

11:30: Found my clothes, putting them on as fast as humanly possible. Head over and lay on my back in the grass by the toys, staring at the stars, but not because theres an over cast, and were all bitching about it.

12:00: Some guys in heavy black suits with badges and really bright flashlights questions us as to what were doing in the park. We tell em just hanging out. Thank God I didn't have to use the breathalyzer, I'm having trouble standing up straight, I know I would have failed. Damn Fanta.

12:05: Leave the park and head downtown, the powers out so none of the lights are working and it looks like a ghost town. I drive fast like it's a ghost town.

12:10: Walgreens! Ice-cream in large tubs and a box of spoons later and I am on yet another sugar high, still pissing orange ever fifteen minutes as well.

12:30: Arrive back at the drive-in and eat some more ice cream. I read the Fanta bottles nutritional facts and try to calculate out how many 'moles' of sugar I've had tonight. Definetly too hyper to do complicated math in my head. My hands are shaking.

12:50: Dad shows up out of nowhere. I drive home IMMEDIATELY... after having some more ice-cream...

12:50-3:00: Random bullshit at home.

3:00ish: I fall asleep.

4:45: I wake up and leave for the district tournament, thats how bad I am at planning my future. Thank God for Fanta.

"The sooner you fall behind, the more time you have to catch up"


Thursday, May 8, 2008


Well I guess the new blog begins today. Seeing I'm currently writing it. Ahhh... where to begin? I guess I'll start with the title, that long word starting with 'V': Verisimilitude
How many 'I's are in that?
Is it edible?
Anyone have a dictionary?
I'm sure all these questions are running through your mind right now, which is good, if I didn't want to make you think I wouldn't be writing a blog. So, here's your answer:

Verisimilitude: something, as an assertion, having merely the appearance of truth.

This in no way means I'm going to be posting lies, but merely that in many of the more private issues I post you may not get the entire story, or possible psuedonym's for participants for their privacies sake. I prefer to use the word verisimilitude as my way of saying "as close to the truth as possible."

Today is a Thursday. Woke up rather early today... 7:55. A quick shower and a new land speed records landed me in Drafting at about 8:05. My house won't fit on the damn sheet of paper so I'm using two "D" size papers for it. Yes, I have a house with double D's. Drafting is one of those classes where you only accomplish anything when everyone runs out of sex jokes, which never happens. At long last the torture that is the first class of my day ended at 9:15 and I left for the college... and I thought highschool students were immature. US History III. This class is quite possible the best and worst I have ever taken, depending on the day. Mrs Thur is the epitomy of the term 'mood swings'. Some days I can't help but piss my pants laughing at her humor, other days I piss my pants cowering in fear; I piss my pants frequently in this class. I sit in the back row to avoid flying objects such as shoes, books, students, etc...

Now to the fun part of the day: work.
I'm not being sarcastic either. I'm a phone tech for LocalTel Communications. Best job... EVER. All sorts of 'interesting' people call in with all sorts of 'interesting questions', if by "interesting" I meant stupid. I sit in a basement for a couple hours taking phone calls with some of the brightest computer minds in Wenatchee. Yet at the same time all of these "NOC Nerds", as we've come to be called, manage to be rather cool.

After work is tennis, the highlight of my life. I breathe, live and love tennis. Playing for Wenatchee High School at the current time. Got the district tournament coming up this weekend. God I'm nervous. But my draw looks good and I do have a shot at going to regionals this year for singles. Which is a lot better then last year.

I hope tomorrow to have less of the daily monogamy and more of the random events that seem to occur much to frequently in my life. I guess I'll leave you with this:

"Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances."
-Thomas Jefferson
